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Romulus Rail Park Front Page News

May 9 2015, We are working on something spectacular here. We are proposing a rail park for Romulus at the Norfolk Southern / CSX diamond. It's something we want to see. Stay tuned for further details. Insight from each and everyone of you is welcome. We would like to know if we pull this off. How many would visit the park and how often? Please chime in. It will help our cause to prove why this would be a worth while investment with all parties involved.

May 12, 2015 Great news we have a endorsement from Michigan Operation Lifesaver.

 Last update August 28 2015

We have completed our survey from the last four months and are confident to move the proposal forward to the City of Romulus we submitted a letter to the City. We will keep you all posted as we go along.

August 27 2015

Welcome to the Romulus Rail Park Website!

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This is not offical yet. This website will have issues since this website is still in the building Procress. 


-Romulus Rail Park Board. 

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